Game Log 2 - Play

The Game Log 2: 


Gamemaster: Sigrid - Storyteller: Evian - Artist: Evian/Julie - Designer: Julie - Crafter: Fælles


Cultural heritage game concept ideas - “That’s not fair”: 

  • What if Europa was under attack? 
    • War game simulation 
    • One person have to make all decisions 
  • Compare the value of educations across european countries
    • Stock website visuals → Search for your education and see its value 
  • Highlight something that units EU - open borders 
    • Go to work in a new country 
  • Create more unity among Europeans – how can we become more united as a single nation?"
    • Make a Social network only for europeans - Such af Meta, X, tiktok 
  • Switch roles – See something from a different perspective 
    • The player takes on a role that is different from everyday life
    • To set EU values in perspective 
    • Poor vs rich game 

What is the most innovative or powerful theme and purpose?

One of the strongest themes we explored was the idea of "What if there was a war in Europe?" This question resonated deeply with us, as it directly relates to current global tensions involving the USA, Russia, Ukraine, and other geopolitical actors. The theme is innovative because it takes a familiar but distant issue and brings it closer to home, making it more personally identifiable and emotionally impactful. By placing the player in a scenario where they must navigate the complexities of war within Europe, we create a thought-provoking and immersive experience.

What ideas make the most use of culture, cultural heritage and values? Are they empowering? 

Our concept of making the player an active participant in a fictive war in Europe leverages cultural and historical context in a way that is both empowering and reflective. It forces players to confront ethical dilemmas, question their own biases, and engage with themes of national identity, solidarity, and survival. This approach can lead to a deeper understanding of European history and values

Use your roles to discuss what ideas have dimensions (art, story, design, craft) that reinforce each other and work seamlessly together? 

The story should be reflecting real-world conflicts while still allowing for player agency. Fx we don't mention who the enemy and invaders are, leaving the player room for speculating and imagination. 

The art should reinforce the style of hightech, modern warfare (spy-movie-vibes) — through a very simple but realistic visual approach. 

The game design should emphasize on simple decision-making and consequences, making the player feel the weight of their choices. 

Sound should be directly disconnected to the game, isolated blasting realistic war sound through headphones.


Culture: Our game uses cultural elements to create familiarity and recognition for players. During our Culture Safari, we observed how people connected with art installations through their own experiences with pop culture, history, and worldviews. We want to create a game that reflects the feeling of being European while exploring the tension between the European Union’s power and the independence of its member states.

The game highlights the vulnerability of unity within Europe, showing how easily the EU can be divided while emphasizing the importance of staying together. By using elements from the art installations at Aros, like the sense of temporality, we aim to simulate how quickly war can escalate within just a week, showing the unpredictable nature of conflict.

We also draw inspiration from the art installations’ use of sound. The game will feature realistic war sounds (bombs, screams, gunfire) played through headphones to enhance emotional depth. This will isolate the player and add a layer of realism to the otherwise simple, childlike visuals. The transitions between day and night, the contrast of music, and the elements of familiarity will help connect the player to the game's cultural and emotional themes.

Value: One of the core European values in the game is democracy. Players will naturally understand and value this, as democracy is a key part of European society. Through gameplay, we show how easily a nation can fall apart when democracy is taken away and decisions are made by just one person. By putting players in a situation where one person must make all the tough decisions in a war, we challenge them to think about the responsibility of leadership, the motives behind decisions, and any biases that might influence them.

The game forces players to think about wartime leadership—who will they trust for help? Who will they cut ties with to protect their nation? These choices make players reflect on the moral compromises needed in a crisis, testing their understanding of freedom, independence, and 



Get A Week Of War

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